About the Journal

Diffusion Fundamentals is a peer-reviewed interdisciplinary open-access online journal. It publishes original research articles in the field of spreading and diffusion. The First Issue has been online since August 2005. Publications are free of charge. It operates under the auspices of the Saxon Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Leipzig, with the support of Leipzig University and, notably, Leipzig University Library.

Focus and Scope

Objects under consideration include atoms and molecules as the elementary constituents of our matter as well as biological species in their environment and even us humans and our material and immaterial “products”. Contributions may deal with the observation and classification of the phenomena as well as with the elucidation of the underlying mechanisms (including their modelling and analytical treatment) and options of their exploitation in technology and society. Diffusion Fundamentals thus aims to create a forum for discussion bringing together scientists from disciplines as diverse as archaeology, ecology, economics, epidemiology, ethnology, linguistics, and sociology with biologists, chemists, physicists, mathematicians, and engineers.

Current Issue

Vol. 38 (2023): Special Issue "Diffusion Fundamentals X", Part 2

Poster abstracts submitted

Published: 2023-06-24

Extended Abstracts

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